Welcome to CEVE 101

Dr. James Doss-Gollin

Thu., Aug. 29

Be well, support one another

  • We continue to mourn Andrea and violence
  • Please use college / university resources!
  • Let me know if I can support you

Meet the Professor

My background

Why you’re taking this class

  1. Learn about sustainability, climate solutions, and environmental remediation
  2. Explore potential engineering majors (CEVE, MECH, MSNE, Materials Science)
  3. Gain insights into real-world CEVE projects and career paths
  4. Make an informed decision about pursuing a CEVE major
  5. Discover how CEVE connects to other fields and global challenges

Your Hometowns

These maps were made with Julia code and Quarto. See source code on GitHub

About Civil and Environmental Engineering


  1. About Civil and Environmental Engineering

  2. About CEVE 101

What problems have Civil and Environmental Engineers solved?

In small groups:

  1. Discuss this question
  2. Have one person fill in group answers

Origins of Environmental Engineering

Clean Drinking Water



What are ongoing challenges in Civil and Environmental Engineering?

In small groups:

  1. Discuss this question
  2. Have one person fill in group answers

Natural Disasters

Decaying Infrastructure

Inadequate Infrastructure

Unequal Burdens

Water Pollution

Residual Risk

Impacts on Community, Health, and Economy

About CEVE 101


  1. About Civil and Environmental Engineering

  2. About CEVE 101

Course Overview

  1. Explore the intersection of built, information, and natural environments
  2. Develop quantitative toolkit to understand and improve sustainability, resilience, and equity in infrastructure systems
  3. Develop skills in data analysis, system modeling, and engineering design

Course Structure

  1. Technical lectures
  2. Topical seminars on applications
  3. Team-based projects


Four modules, each culminating in a group design project

  1. Climate and energy
  2. Mobility and networks
  3. Water and health
  4. Coastal resilience

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand interconnections between CEVE subfields
  2. Apply fundamental principles to solve engineering problems
  3. Generate high-quality engineering calculations and reports
  4. Collaborate effectively in project teams
  5. Recognize the impact of CEVE in addressing global challenges
  6. Evaluate ethical implications of engineering decisions

Course Materials

  1. No required textbook
  2. All materials posted on course website or Canvas
  3. Scientific papers accessible through Rice library
  4. Recommended: Use Zotero for reference management


Participation (40%)

  1. In-class attendance
  2. Assigned readings
  3. Class discussions
  4. Reading quizzes

Projects (60%)

  1. Four group design projects
  2. One per module
  3. Peer evaluations included

Academic Integrity

  1. Rice Honor Code applies
  2. Collaboration encouraged, but work must represent your own understanding
  3. Proper citation of sources required
  4. Ask if you’re unsure!

AI/ML Resource Policy

  1. LLMs (e.g., GPT) permitted with restrictions
  2. Can be used for coding assistance
  3. Not allowed for generating text submissions
  4. You are responsible for understanding and verifying all output

Getting Help

  1. Canvas Discussions for content questions
  2. Office hours (sign up online!)
  3. Email for personal matters

Course website

Lectures, syllabus, and project descriptions are on the course website

Assignments will be posted on Canvas.

About course slides

These slides are web-native, but you may want to save them as PDF for offline viewing or note taking. To print slides:

  1. Open in Chrome / Brave
  2. Press e to open print mode
  3. Print using browser (suggest saving as PDF)

For recommended settings, see RevealJS docs

See you Tuesday, September 3rd


Readings will often be announced in class. Larger assignments will be posted on Canvas.