Dr. James Doss-Gollin
Thu., Sep. 12
Unifying Theories
Mass and Energy Balances
In 1905, Einstein showed that mass and energy are equivalent. This is relevant for nuclear reactions, but generally not something we need to worry about for most civil and environmental systems on Earth.
Unifying Theories
Mass and Energy Balances
\[ \text{Accumulation} = \sum\text{Input}_i - \sum\text{Output}_i \] where accumulation, input, and output refer to the mass or energy accumulating in the system or flowing into or out of the system.
Often inputs and outputs are time-varying \[ \text{Rate of Accumulation} = \text{Rate of Input} - \text{Rate of Output} \] where rate means per unit time.
In calculus we write this as \[ \frac{dM}{dt} = \frac{dM_\text{in}}{dt} - \frac{dM_\text{out}}{dt} \] where \(M\) is the amount of material in the system, \(M_\text{in}\) is the amount of material entering the system, and \(M_\text{out}\) is the amount of material leaving the system.
In many problems, the rate of reaction is proportional to the amount of material in the system. \[ r(\cdot) = -k M \] where \(k\) is the reaction rate constant.
Making some assumptions (complete mixing, etc) the total mass \(M\) is \(C\) (concentration) times \(V\) (volume). \[ \frac{dM}{dt} = d(CV)/dt = V dC/dt \]
\[ \frac{dM}{dt} = \frac{d M_\text{in}}{dt} - \frac{d M_\text{out}}{dt} - k CV \]
If there are no inputs or outputs, and things are well-mixed, then \[ r = -kC = \frac{dC}{dt} \] ::: {.fragment} If we integrate this out, we can get an expression for the concentration as a function of time. \[ C(t) = C_0 e^{-kt} \] :::
Unifying Theories
Mass and Energy Balances
Mass balance for water:
Could also perform mass balance for substances in water (bacteria, dust, etc.)
[MIT Technology Review]
Washington State Department of Ecology
See Khan Academy videos on Phosphorus and Nitrogen cycloes