Rice University
November 10, 2023
Conceptual framework
Case study
Ongoing work
Figure 2: @hydroclim_memes
Figure 3: @hydroclim_memes
Conceptual framework
Case study
Ongoing work
Generic nonstationary model for annual maximum precipitation: \[ y(\vb{s}, t) \sim \text{GEV} (\mu(\vb{s}, t), \sigma(\vb{s}, t), \xi(\vb{s}, t)) \]
Process-informed models condition parameters on climate indices \(\vb{X}(t)\) and spatial feature \(\vb{Z}(\vb{s})\) (Cheng & AghaKouchak, 2014; Salas et al., 2018; Schlef et al., 2023) \[ \theta(\vb{s}, t) = \alpha + \beta(\vb{s}) \times \vb{X}(t) + \phi \times \vb{Z}(\vb{s}) \] where \(\theta \in \{\mu, \sigma, \xi \}\)
Conceptual framework
Case study
Ongoing work
Figure 4: We retain 199 GHCND stations which have at least 30 years with 362+ days of data. Colors indicate number of years of data used.
Bayesian hierarchical space-time model: \[ \begin{aligned} y(\vb{s}, t) &\sim \text{GEV} (\mu(\vb{s}, t), \sigma(\vb{s}, t), \xi) \\ \mu(\vb{s}, t) &= \alpha^\mu + \beta^\mu_1(\vb{s}) \times \ln \text{CO}_2(t) \\ \log \sigma(\vb{s}, t) &= \alpha^\sigma + \beta^\sigma_1(\vb{s}) \times \ln \text{CO}_2(t) \\ \end{aligned} \]
Assume: latent parameters \(\alpha^\mu, \beta^\mu_1, \alpha^\sigma, \beta^\sigma_1\) are smooth in space. Hierarchical spatial prior: \[ \theta(\vb{s}) \sim \text{GP} \left( m, K(\vb{s}, \vb{s}') \right) \] for \(\theta \in \{\alpha^\mu, \beta^\mu_1, \alpha^\sigma, \beta^\sigma_1 \}\) and \(K = \alpha^2 \exp \left(-\frac{ \| \vb{s} - \vb{s}' \| }{\rho} \right)\)
Figure 5: Posterior mean of trend coefficients. Specifically, how much do (T): location parameter and (B): log scale parameter increase with \(\ln \text{CO}_2\)? For reference, an increase from 300 (pre-industrial) to 400 (current) ppm is approximately 0.29 on the log scale and an increase from 400 to 500 (mid-century under RCP 4.5/6) is approximately 0.22.
Figure 6: Posterior mean of 100 year return level for 1 day duration at stations, using 2021 covariates (\(\ln \text{CO}_2\)).
Figure 7: (T): Change in posterior mean of 10, 50, and 100 year return levels from 1940–2021. (B): Difference between our posterior mean for 2021 and Atlas 14. Red (blue) indicates our estimates are lower (higher).
Figure 8: Quantiles of the observation records given the simulated posterior GEV distributions. An ideal model would have a uniform distribution.
Conceptual framework
Case study
Ongoing work
Figure 9: TAMU/TWDB teams have gathered \(>4000\) stations (not all open access). Includes long-duration daily stations, mesonets (short records at high temporal resolution), and more.
Adding a few parameters, we explicitly and flexibly model the GEV parameters as a function of duration \(d\) (Fauer et al., 2021; Koutsoyiannis et al., 1998; Ulrich et al., 2020): \[ \begin{aligned} \sigma (d) &= \sigma_0 (d + \theta) ^ {\eta_1 + \eta_2 } + \tau \\ \mu (d) &= \tilde{\mu} (\sigma_0 (d + \theta ) ^ {-\eta_1 } + \tau) \end{aligned} \]
Figure 10: Duration-dependent parameterizations can capture multiple IDF curve behaviors (Fauer et al., 2021)
Conceptual framework
Case study
Ongoing work
Spatially Varying Covariates Model